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Fisheries Consumption AS5I8959 (2) Web


Long tradition of rapid development

Modern fishing in a modern port

With a unique location close to North Sea fishing grounds, the Port of Thyboron has seen very active fishing from the very beginning, and remains one of the three largest fishing ports in Denmark. Three types of commercial fishing coexist at the Port of Thyboron today.

Navigation in all weather conditions

Located on the central west coast of Jutland, where the Liim Fiord flows into the North Sea, the Port of Thyboron is an ideal landing site for a range of fishing activities. When the North Sea is raging and the wind makes it impossible to enter and leave other ports, Thyboron’s east-facing entrance in the Liim Fiord makes it possible to call at the port, even in extreme weather conditions.

Luftfoto 6064 Navigation Star Web

Highly tuned port facilities

Easy access to fish discharging and refilling of supplies is essential for fishing vessels, so they can quickly return to sea. We take pride in ensuring the right working conditions and consider daily workflows when we build new port infrastructure. That is why the Port of Thyboron offers ideal facilities for efficient workflows and good working conditions today.

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Highlights for fishery

402 metres of new quay

The Port of Thyboron has renovated the entire harbour basin in Vestre Inderhavn. The water depth at the quay for newbuildings has been increased, and quay capacity for fishing for human consumption, particularly transit fishing vessels from Belgium and the Netherlands, has been expanded by 167 metres.

The greater water depth following the renovation has made a difference when fitting out new vessels. The expanded quay capacity for transit fishing crews increases flexibility at the port.

Find out more

Vestre Inderhavn 0058 Web

New discharging facilities for industrial fishing

The facilities for industrial fishing are ultra-modern, highly efficient and very user-friendly. Pelagic and sand eel fishing have unique working conditions in Thyboron. To avoid waiting times during discharging, TripleNine A/S has invested in a new discharging plant with a capacity of 400 tonnes per hour. The Port of Thyboron has invested in the new quay, and Malik Energy A/S has invested in a new facility for flexible bunkering.

Find out more about the new working conditions in Thyboron

Sperlingkaj 0177 Web

First-class service

Over 100 local companies, each with their own special expertise, are standing by when you sail into the Port of Thyboron. There is a long tradition of maritime services in Thyboron, with a strong focus on giving customers the absolute best service. Rarely do you see so much expertise gathered in one place. If your vessel docks in Thyboron, all these companies are available to you at the same time. This clearly optimises and reduces time spent ashore. A lot of maintenance can be done while you are in port to discharge fish.


Libas Floating Dock 6437 Web

The biggest Norwegian pelagic fishing vessel in the largest floating dock on the Danish West coast for maintenance work by Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S.

Floating dock

Operational information for fishing

Weather and water levels, navigation and harbour maps showing quay information – you can find practical information about navigation in the Port of Thyboron on this page.

Latest news for fishing!

At the Port of Thyboron, we do our best to ensure good working conditions for fishing crews. Below, you’ll find the latest initiatives to the benefit of fishing and upcoming fishing events where you can meet us.

Kjartan Ross is new CEO of the Port of Thyboron

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Kjartan Ross has been appointed new CEO of the Port of Thyboron, and will take up his position on 15 May 2024.

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New version of nautical chart with updated water depths for the Port of Thyboron

Sunday, November 12, 2023

In recent years, the navigation conditions have been improved considerably through significantly increased water depths in the Port of Thyboron. The new version of the nautical chart, published in October 2023, contains the new data!

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Surplus heat from the fish auction’s refrigeration system provides carbon-neutral heat in Thyboron

Monday, May 30, 2022

As part of its environment strategy, the Port of Thyboron has a strong focus on optimising processes with high energy consumption in the port’s operations. The latest initiative here is investment in a new eco-friendly CO2 refrigeration system.

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10-metre-deep fairway to the Port of Thyboron

Friday, December 31, 2021

The largest dredging project in Thyboron Port´s history has been completed. Today there is 10 m water depth in the entrance to the port and the Liimfjord quays in the southern part of the port.

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New water supply on Konsumkaj!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Four new boosted water hydrants on Konsumkaj and new hose rollers are helping improve working conditions for fishing crews.

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Recycling Danish seine line

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A portrait of an environmentally aware fishing for human consumption player that has found an effective way to ensure worn-out Danish seine lines are recycled.

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Permit to deepen entrance

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Having 10 metres of water depth in the entrance to the Port of Thyboron in 2021 will make a huge difference to sectors such as industrial fishing, offshore wind and cargo.

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97 million DKK invested

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The centre harbour – the heart of the Port of Thyboron – is in great shape following a major renovation of the two middle harbour basins.

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New quay discharging facilities at TripleNine A/S

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Quays with easy access for maritime services and receiving facilities at TripleNine A/S with discharging capacity of 400 tonnes per hour.

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Renovated harbour basin for newbuilds

Friday, August 28, 2020

Harbour basin for newbuildings ready in Thyboron. The Port of Thyboron has renovated 402 metres of quay in Vestre Inderhavn.

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Upcoming fishing events

This section lists upcoming events where you will be able to meet representatives from the Port of Thyboron in the near future. We look forward to meeting you!

History B512 Thyboron Web Small

History of fishing in Thyboron