Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S

Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S
Railway connecting Thyboron
The old Lemvig railway, which runs between Vemb, Lemvig and Thyborøn, is now called "Midtjyske Jernbaner". The new name arose in connection with the merger with the Odder railway in 2008. During 2016, the Odder railway will be handed over to Aarhus Light Rail. Midtjyske Jernbaner is owned by Midttrafik (a transport operator), two local authorities (Lemvig and Holstebro) and a number of private minority shareholders.
The railway line from Vemb to Lemvig was officially opened in 1879. The line from Lemvig to Thyborøn followed in 1899. Construction of the line to Thyborøn was fraught with difficulties, due to flooding and drifting sand. In fact, as early as 1920, the powers that be were prepared to shut down the line from Harboøre to Thyborøn. Fortunately, the line remained open. It is difficult to imagine why a line closure was ever mooted.
Midtjyske Jernbaner carries about 200,000 passengers a year. We also shift about 20,000 tons of freight and we would very much like to see this figure grow. We expect that an increasing volume of goods through the port in future will bring an increase in rail freight traffic.